
Business Driver: Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection


It’s more than three decades since the first software virus was written by a miscreant but in the interim, attacks via web and email have grown at an exponential rate. The lessons of history remain stubbornly ignored with email still the primary attack vector for phishing attacks and assorted other digital nasties. In spite of the passing years, end-users continue to click on dubious links, visit unsanctioned websites and stubbornly forget security awareness training. The business driver for endpoint protection is not whether or not you need it but rather, can we take the risk that we don’t?


Simple answer: endpoint and antivirus are a mandatory business requirement.

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Value Proposition: Malwarebytes for Business


Layered Security is considered best practice when it comes to protecting organisations from threats lurking on the internet.


There are three assessments that business should make to decide which solution is the best for your organisation;




How easy is it to provision and manage endpoint protection?


Feature Set


What do you need to protect employees from threats and themselves? Are additional features like data loss protection a mandatory requirement?


Fit for Purpose


What “business intelligence” do the applications draw upon to ensure they are current and able to react in real-time to emerging or day-zero threats?


Product Overview -Malwarebytes for Business


Malwarebytes for Business protects business from dynamic and static threats posed by the fast-changing internet landscape. By leveraging a “layered” approach to endpoint protection, administrators can protect against more types of threat and the source of their origin. As threats morph and adapt, Malwarebytes for Business evolves and modifies layers of protection to keep attackers at bay. In addition to preventing infection, automated remediation returns the endpoint to a healthy state if the attack caused changes or damaged the underlying endpoint software structure.


Key Features;


Multi-Vector protection


Protect endpoints across the entire attack chain


Automated Remediation


Comprehensive infection removal automatically returns the endpoint to its original pristine state


Cloud Platform


Malwarebytes’ Cloud platform delivers endpoint protection via a single agent that’s easy to deploy, scale, and manage reducing ownership costs.


By reducing the vulnerability surface area, endpoints are more resilient and applications are hardened by default
Web protection protects against Command and Control servers and malicious websites
Exploit mitigation proactively detects, blocks and prevents remote code execution
Payload analysis quickly identifies and mitigates against virus genus using heuristic analytics
Behaviour analysis helps prevent infection or compromise