Business Driver: Silver Peak: Next Generation SD WAN
As the business environment continues to become more dependent on the Cloud, internet e-commerce, web-based resources and greater reliance on collaboration, demands on the Wide-Area-Network (WAN) creates increasing strain. With increased external traffic flows network performance can suffer, degrading the user experience and adversely affecting staff productivity. Over time, solutions have been formulated to remedy this issue, most notably increasing the size of an organisation’s bandwidth or digital pipe. This is a fine stop-gap measure but demand continues to increase and the problem resurfaces as soon as the network becomes saturated. The bigger pipe is not optimising traffic to increase network efficiency. Another legacy solution used is Quality of Service or QoS that prioritises network traffic based upon its importance. Unfortunately, finite resources can be misallocated or over-allocated creating performance issues, particularly packet loss. The most common approach taken in Enterprise is to deploy an SD-WAN that enhances QoS, adds more security, improves application performance and builds greater resilience into WAN infrastructure. For Cloud-centric environments’ that depend on SaaS like, Office365 or a multitude of Cloud based applications this improvement in productivity provides the business justification to invest in SD-WAN.
Mitigate business risk
Reduce operating budgets
Increase productivity and distributed application efficiency
Lower total ownership costs (TCO)
Reduce the risk of unplanned outages that could adversely affect revenues and reputation
Increase business agility